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Palenque Ruinas

click for large size Palenque Ruinas

We spent a day exploring the Myan ruins at Palenque


On my travels, I've seen a fair number of ruins. I was excited to be seeing such a famous site, but a bit more interested in getting out of the heat and slipping into a waterfall.

Disclaimer: Travelling to me, is about the people (blond ponytails and otherwise). History is not my area of interest, and so, to hear about the Ruins properly, you'll have to follow one of my links below.

click for full size

Our favorite building was the Temple of Inscriptions. There were dungeonlike tunnels winding through the pyramids. Peter and Jort had a nice break on this large bench (pictured, right). Soon after, they were kicked out, as their perch turned out to be the Inscriptions themselves.
Tsk, Gringos!


click for full size Inscriptions break.

Memories en Brief

Me almost dying on the walk to the site (maybe exaggerated slightly)

the boys Inscription break

dipping in the waterfall after scouring the ruins

yells of "you wan' colddrink?" upon leaving the grounds (this is probably the first english people in developping countries learn as children)

Here are some links to interesting info on Palenque and Myan ruins.

Virtual Palenque: a tour of the ruins, full of facts and interesting information.

Mexico travel site: Palenque page with travel info on the area, the ruins and places to stay.